In late 2020, our team came across Jusline.

Swollen, bloated and no longer able to walk properly, she was immediately transported to one of our health centres, undergoing weeks of initial treatment.

No one expected Jusline to survive and recover.

Take a look at this incredible tranformation.

Three photos show Jusline's growth from 2020 to 2022 to 2023. Her nutritionist, Benedict, sits with her in each photo. In the last photo Jusline smiles and waves.

Jusline was not expected to survive. In 2020, she was suffering from SAM, severe acute malnutrition. Communities in the East DRC region face extreme food insecurity. Tackling child malnutrition, health and food insecurity became the key initiative of the Childhood Rescue DRC programme, now known as the Binza Health Zone.

Rodrigue Harakandi

There are emergencies, conflicts and refugee crisises happening across the world.

Most don't make the news.

Millions of children & their futures live within them.

These places are complex, extremely dangerous and often very remote.

That's where your Raw Hope gift abides, and it's where this amazing story of survival and renewal takes place.

Rutshuru, East DRC.

Jusline beat malnutrition, now she sings songs of peace for her country

Working in dangerous places means that problems facing the communities are complex and deeply rooted.

Hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition stopped Jusline from enrolling in school, and almost took her life.

When we originally met her she was devastated watching all of the other girls in their uniforms walking to school.

During her long road to recovery, the dream of her own school uniform and one day walking to school gave her determination.

Just as that dream became a reality, deadly conflict erupted in DRC.

Hundreds of thousands of families have been forced to flee their homes, crossing borders and moving to overcrowded IDP (Internally Displaced Person) settlements in major cities.

A group of farmers stand together in a field holding shovels and tools.

Fighting hunger & child malnutrition means, ensuring communities have sustainable food sources. Agriculture programmes are a major part of the strategy, here we see an amazing community farming group in their fields, ready to begin planting after a big record-breaking harvest. Crops provide food and income for families.

Rodrigue Harakandi

In late 2022, our World Vision team was evacuated from the Binza health zone. As a result, Bénédicte hadn't seen Jusline for 6 months.

Jusline's family had nowhere else to go, despite the presence of roaming militant groups they stayed, tended their crops and hoped for the best.

In all of this, Jusline's dream of school days and a uniform were taken from her, again.

Our local staff in Binza are committed to the safety and growth of the girls, boys and families living in the community. As we continue supporting this community, our hope is that all the girls and boys will return to school again.

In Binza, DRC, four children stand in a line holding bikes they made from wood.

Talk about resilience and the power of imagination. Check out these bikes built by children in Jusline's village.

Rodrigue Harakandi

All over the world children are living in ongoing conflicts and emergency situations.

You might not see them on the news, but as a Raw Hope supporter, know that your gift is helping children in the most complex and remote places to Survive, recover and build a future.

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Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country of vast natural wealth. Its natural resources include diamonds, gold, cobalt and oil. Yet these riches have brought suffering to its people. The decades-long armed violence between government and various rebel forces nicknamed “Africa’s world war” has crippled the country.

  • Rebel groups have taken over vast amounts of land, starving civilians and crippling the nation's economy
  • Sexual violence is widespread
  • Measles and Ebola outbreaks have hit impoverished Congolese communities
Over 6 million

people have died from waves of war and famines over the last twenty years